Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Judicial System.

Justice is a joke.

Its face is pristine, but its organs are rotten. They perform their function, but their process is cancerous. It is slow and torturous. And the chemotherapy involved is expensive and life-threatening.

Business as usual.

The joke is known to all of the salaried individuals who work for the state. It is known to all who have ever been processed. The mechanical rape is based on profit. Money flows into mocking coffers.

No more honor.

All is false. Philosophy is gone, replaced by sophistry. The titles, the robes, the atmosphere is designed to intimidate the poor and ignorant. They pay more readily when they respect the state.

Love of Self.

The ruling elite sip self-righteous cocktails. Power is the liqueur they enjoy. And they make their laws only when their particular inebriation is at its highest.

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