Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Nocturnal Deity

Nocturnal deity!
The blind can see your sense!
Oh, nocturnal deity!
What would you have done?
Break your vows of silence,
Bring faith the hordes of wisdom
Your heart conceals!

She gazes at my rapture with impassible, acne-scarred face.
Her indifferent widow light beams far through me,
Beaming for time’s surcease.
Aswim within the barren night sky,
Disturbing salt-speck fish in their innumerable sleep.
My soul is alive when her face is in bloom.
I spread my mortal hands and absorb, absorb her sensual mysteries.
I could not ask for a more flattering stalker.
Her purity is unechoed.
No rouge mars her pale beauty.
No frantic scrawlings will ever do her justice.

How barely attainable she is.
I can only possess her aesthetic.
Oh cruel distance, you woeful barrier!
I long to caress her ageless face.
And if she really is the size of a quarter
I will reach up and palm her freezing self.

Dear, nocturnal deity!
Do you care a wit for your poetic adorer?
Your cold emotions!
They chill my breast!
Oh cautious lovely!
Cease your time-honored meditations!
Impart to me your stoic dignity!

Behold her sudden death!
See the immovable faithful awaiting her innocent rebirth!
The throngs stand chanting, chanting:
“Glory, glory to her phosphorescent spirit!”

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