Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Nonsense: Volume 1

· I hate myself in the mornings and I love myself in the evenings.

· I feel time’s oppressive tick within the confines of my mind, but not yet in my body.

· I’m young and I fear death, but I fear humiliation more than death. When I walk to the Guillotine, I hope I hold my head high.

· Vicarious entertainment invades the public’s consciousness.

· I’d hate to be dissected by shallow pens.

· When I look into conditioned eyes I see the glazed assurance of a nursing babe.

· The obscure offends our impulsive pride and so we seek the superficial.

· Those who uphold the ideal are mistakably tied to the material.

· Those who uphold the material are mistakably tied to the ideal.

· Morality is like the winds. Felt, but unseen. Sometimes strong, sometimes soft, always changing, always ruffling starched shirts.

· Love and hate exist in the abstract.

· Obligation is transient. Forget-me-not flowers wilt with time.

· Human beings are attracted to disaster. The misfortune of others tingles their need for gossip.

· Gossip is the most judgmental human action. It lasts a second, but stings for ages.

· The dark is what humans fear most. Only the courageous probe its reasonable depths. Who are the courageous?

· The search for truth is futile. A human utterance is often improvable and thus taken as truth. Proof means effort and effort means work. Idleness is always easier.

· Genius does not exist.

· Dependence is fulfilling for the dependent but pitiful for the educated.

· Most humans do not truly grasp the futility of life. These are the mildly religious and the timid.

· Life is not what you make of it; it is what they tell you to make of it.

· Communication is feeble. No one truly knows a person’s innermost thoughts.

· Only the weak embrace a weak reality.

· Nothing makes one more aware of the transience of life more than life itself.

· Those who crouch behind a banner are naked inside.

· My thoughts are my own. A penny will not buy them.

· There is no such thing as loneliness.

· Those who laud their own selves are rotten inside.

· A nutritious addict is not an addict.

· Self-abuse begins with destructive unconcern.

· The most dangerous trait is vanity. Vanity leads to close-minded self-congratulation. Hubris, on the other hand, leads to self-realization. Innovators reek of its colonic stench.

· It is impossible to plumb the depths of the active mind.

· The natural need for self-improvement is hampered by the impulsive desire for instant satisfaction. Who truly expects to age?

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