Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Indictment against the American government

Indictment against the American government

By Brian Looney

This is certainly a work in progress. The corruption is endless and i only have so much time on my hands. The government should not have the power to do these things. Neither democracy or freedom can exist under such conditions. The Founding Fathers of this country would be HORRIFIED. I'll be listing the proven conspiracies of this nation with a brief summary for each. Feel free to research these on your own. You'll find them all TRUE. Let me know if you want anything added.

-Project MKULTRA: CIA mind control programs through the 1950s to the late 1960s. Experiments performed on unwitting or unwilling subjects included drugs such as LSD and electrodes to manipulate brain functionings. A number of deaths occurred because of these experiments, the most famous of which is Frank Olson. I should also emphasize the assassination of Robert Kennedy. His assassin, Sirhan Sirhan, had no recollection of committing the murder and the LAPD admits to covering up information.

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-Operation Midnight Climax: This was a subset of MKULTRA in which a number of CIA run brothels were opened in San Francisco with the cooperation of the SFPD. Prostitutes were paid 100 dollars a day to lure unwitting johns into their parlors where LSD was administered in a drink. Officials watched the effects of sex and drugs from behind one-way mirrors. More information here:

-Buck V. Bell: 1927 case which legalized compulsory sterilization of individuals the state declares "imbeciles." 64,000 people were sterilized against their wills and often times without their knowledge up to the 1970s. Interesting side note: The Nazis admitted they took much of their ideas from the American eugenics programs and scientists.

More information here:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugenic_sterilization http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buck_v._Bell

-The Tuskegee Syphilis Study: Study from 1932-1972 which took 400 illiterate and poor black men who had syphilis. They told them they were getting free treatment and administered a number of unethical, untruthful procedures on them, such as withholding penicillin, to demonstrate how the disease spreads and kills.

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-Operation Northwoods: U.S. 1962 plan to generate public support for military invasion of Cuba. Various staged terrorist operations, staged attacks on American bases, false rumors, and other horrific methods put forth. I should emphasize that the actions are said never to have taken place, but it gives you a whole new outlook on 9/11 doesn't it?? I should also say that Northwoods had the written approval of every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. A few proposals in the declassified government document:

  • Starting rumors about Cuba by using clandestine radios.
  • Staging mock attacks, sabotages and riots at Guantanamo Bay and blaming it on Cuban forces.
  • Firebombing and sinking an American ship at the Guantanamo Bay American military basereminiscent of the USS Maine incident at Havana in 1898, which started the Spanish-American Waror destroy American aircraft and blame it on Cuban forces. (The document's first suggestion regarding the sinking of a U.S. ship is to blow up a manned ship and hence would result in U.S. Navy members being killed, with a secondary suggestion of possibly using unmanned drones and fake funerals instead.)
  • "Harassment of civil air, attacks on surface shipping and destruction of US military drone aircraft by MIG type [sic] planes would be useful as complementary actions."
  • Destroying an unmanned drone masquerading as a commercial aircraft supposedly full of "college students off on a holiday". This proposal was the one supported by the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
  • Staging a "terror campaign", including the "real or simulated" sinking of Cuban refugees
  • "We could develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington. The terror campaign could be pointed at Cuban refugees seeking haven in the United States. We could sink a boatload of Cubans enroute [sic] to Florida (real or simulated). We could foster attempts on lives of Cuban refugees in the United States even to the extent of wounding in instances to be widely publicized."
  • Burning crops by dropping incendiary devices in Haiti, Dominican Republic or elsewhere.

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1993 World Trade Center Bombing: Al-Qaeda attack which detonated a car bomb in the World Trade Center killing six people and wounded over a thousand more. The FBI had an informant within the group named Emad Salem who revealed the plot long before it was implemented. The FBI's original plan was to thwart the attack by supplying fake explosives to the group. However, the FBI decided to allow the real explosives to detonate.

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-Gulf of Tonkin Incident: This event gave the U.S. an excuse to enter the Vietnam War. There were a pair of "attacks" from Vietnamese gunboats, the first of which occurred August 2, 1964 and the second occurred August 4, 1964. Newly released evidence as well as government admission confirms that the second attack did not exist, though the president at the time, Lyndon B. Johnson, insisted that it did and used it's fabrication to escalate the United State's involvement in Vietnam. I should also note that the first attack was provoked by the U.S. and occurred under questionable circumstances.

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-COINTELPRO(counter intelligence program): Programs which lasted from 1956 and were "officially disbanded" in 1971. They infiltrated radical groups without consent, creating false media stories, break ins, unjust harrassment through the legal system, and of course murder and violence. They attacked not only "dangerous" groups such as the Ku Klux Klan but also civil rights and political freedom groups such as Martin Luther King Jr's Southern Christian Leadership Conference and the Black Panthers.

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-FBI COINTELPRO Murder of Black Panther Fred Hampton: In 1969 the FBI and Chicago Police drugged Fred Hampton and his family, raided their home in the early morning, and shot Fred Hampton in his sleep. They then dragged his family and friends out in the street, beat them, then charged them with assault. There was no retrobution for this cold blooded murder. The spooks got away with it.

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-Operation CHAOS: Covert CIA domestic espionage program which targeted anti-war protestors, anti-war organizations, and political dissidents. Started by Democrat Lyndon Johnson and continued/strengthened by Republican Richard Nixon. Local police departments worked with the CIA in monitoring student activists and infiltrating anti-war organizations. Assignments included illegal break-ins, illegal domestic spying activities, staged burgleries, and electronic surveillance. It was "officially disbanded" with the Watergate scandal. However, it has been legalized by George W. Bush. CIA Operations Guidelines:

  • Gather information on their immorality.
  • Show them as scurrilous and depraved.
  • Call attention to their habits and living conditions.
  • Explore every possible embarrassment.
  • Investigate personal conflicts or animosities between them.
  • Send articles to newspapers showing their depravity.
  • Use narcotics and free sex for entrapment.
  • Have members arrested on marijuana charges.
  • Exploit the hostilities between various persons.
  • Use cartoons and photographs to ridicule them.
  • Use disinformation to confuse and disrupt.
  • Get records of their bank accounts.
  • Obtain specimens of handwriting.
  • Provoke target groups into rivalries that resulted in deaths.

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-Iran-Contra: The Reagan administration illegally sold arms to Iran during the Iran-Iraq war without approval of congress. They used the funds to support the Contras, a group of right-wing guerillas, to help overthrow Nicaragua's socialist government. Aside from illegally selling weapons, the CIA also sold CRACK COCAINE in Los Angeles to generate illegal revenue for the Contras. Gary Webb, the man who found and published this evidence, was found dead with two shots to the back of his head less than 5 years after publication. The coroner declared it a suicide.

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-Project Phoenix: U.S. Vietnam operation which dealt with insurgent population. Lasted unofficially all throughout the war, but publicly declared in 1969. Program which executed people without trial based on suspicion to root out an underground Communist network. An estimated 1800 people were killed per month under Phoenix in 1969. There were mind-control experiments performed on the "prisoners" many of whom were innocent. A quote by officer in the Phoenix program:

"I never knew in the course of all those operations any detainee to live through his interrogation. They all died. There was never any reasonable establishment of the fact that any one of those individuals was, in fact, cooperating with the VC, but they all died and the majority were either tortured to death or things like thrown out of helicopters."..."It [Phoenix] became a sterile depersonalized murder program... Equal to Nazi atrocities, the horrors of "Phoenix" must be studied to be believed."

Former "Phoenix" officer Bart Osborne, testifying before Congress in 1971

More information here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Phoenix_(Vietnam)

-Operation Ajax: In 1953, the CIA overthrew the democratically elected socialist government of Iran and restored the totalitarian regime. They did so to guard the profit of the Anglo-Iranian oil company and also to gain a strategic position on the border of the Soviet Union. Dissatisfaction with the new regime led to the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

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-Operation PBSUCCESS: 1954 CIA operation which overthrew democratically elected President of Guatemala. It was brought on by the easy success of Operation Ajax. This was partly to protect the interests of the U.S. based United Fruit Company, whose profits suffered due to land reform, and also because the CIA suspected the President to have been influenced by communism. After the revolution the CIA's suspicions were proved to be entirely unfounded.

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-Bay of Pigs: U.S. 1961 attempt to overthrow the Cuban regime which failed miserably. The U.S. armed cuban exiles, worked out an invasion plan, and promised to give them support. At the time of the engagement, U.S. forces abandoned the 1500 revolutionaries to avoid overt intervention. The plan was to deny all U.S. interference after the revolution, but it became an international crisis.

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-The Cuban Project: 1962 project instigated after the failed Bay of Pigs invasion in which the CIA attempted to create a revolution in Cuba. Over thirty different plans were put forth. The CIA proposed a rumor that Jesus would return to Cuba if the Communist regime was overthrown.

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-Operation Mockingbird: A CIA operation designed to influence domestic as well as foreign media. By the early 1950s, the CIA owned respected members of the New York Times, Newsweek, CBS, and other media vessels. After 1953, the CIA had a major influence in over 25 newspapers and wire agencies. The CIA restricted newspapers from reporting about Operation Ajax and Operation PBSUCCESS. When McCarthy began accusing the CIA of communist influence, they hit back with the full weight of Mockingbird. This forever damaged McCarthy's reputation by the directed press coverage. There are mountains of evidence proving Mockingbird was never shut down. Independent researcher Steve Kangas, after accusing the CIA of this in 1998, was found dead in 1999 with a shot to the head. Coroner's report was suicide. It said bullet entered through the mouth when the police report said it entered through the left of his head. Furthermore, Kangas's hard drive was erased shortly after his death. The June 27, 2005 War Tribunal on Iraq found connections between the CIA and major media companies and accused them of spreading lies about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.

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-Haymarket Massacre of 1886: Protest which began peacefully until the police began marching in formation toward the protestors. A bomb was thrown at them in revenge for an earlier labor protest in which the police killed to people on behalf of big business. The bomb killed eight policemen. The police then opened fire on the crowd, killing eleven and wounding many more. The subsequent trial somehow connected eight people to the bombing, but the prosecution had no evidence to support this claim. None were linked to the bomb throwing and many weren't even present at the time. They were August Spies, Albert Parsons, Adolph Fischer, George Engel, Louis Lingg, Michael Schwab, Samuel Fielden and Oscar Neebe. Four were hanged. Later, many of the convicts were acknowledged innocent by the courts a few years later. The bomb thrower was never identified. Anarchist August Spies shouted out before his death: "The time will come when our silence will be more powerful than the voices you strangle today."

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-Japanese Internment: I'm sure all you know about this. The infamous Executive Order 9066 locked over 120,000 Japanese Americans in camps forcing them to carry out their lives under harsh conditions. More than 2/3 of them had never displayed any signs of disloyalty to the government. It was a response to the war hysteria whipped up by the Pearl Harbor attacks: a hysteria, i might add, which was instigated by the powers that be. I won't even go into the conspiracy theories on Pearl Harbor (eg it may have been staged by the government to ensure popular support for WW2).

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-Watergate: Another well-known proven conspiracy. Fortunately, it led to the reformed 1986 Freedom of Information Act. Nixon's people were caught in a number if illegal activities including burglary and a number of "dirty tricks."

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-Depleted Uranium: Uranium 238 is the byproduct of nuclear fission, whose aim is to extract Uranium 235. DU has got some low level radiation, and is also chemically toxic in the same way as lead and other metals. On impact, DU shatters into of tiny glass particles which can easily be inhaled. DU emits alpha, beta, and gamma radiations. It is used mainly in the military(bullets, armor, shells, etc) and its effects were initially identified in the Gulf War. DU is being used today in Iraq. Its extremely toxic qualities are causing a world of problems on Iraq's inhabitants and the environment. DU is extremely hard on the kidneys, causes a very wide range of cancers(including lung cancer), inflammation of the skin(something US soldiers experience with their DU body armor), and a number of birth defects. Despite it's DEVASTATING effects on the Iraqi populace and the US soldiers stationed there, the government steadfastly refuses to acknowledge DU's proven toxicity. Make no mistake, DU is a war crime. It is a very cheap metal to get because it is nuclear waste. And the US gets rid of its nuclear waste by using it in their wars and discarding it in other countries.

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-Extraordinary Rendition: Process in which the CIA sends criminal suspects to other countries to be interrogated. This is to avoid due process and the U.S. laws prohibiting torture. Former CIA agent Bob Baer said: "If you want a serious interrogation, you send a prisoner to Jordan. If you want them to be tortured, you send them to Syria. If you want someone to disappear - never to see them again - you send them to Egypt."

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-Plausible Deniability: Method used by those in the upper echelons of power to escape all responsibilities and allocate them, for appearance's sake, to the underlings. This involves creating a number of informal chains of command subversive enough to be absolutely denied, if necessary. Another form of plausible deniability is consciously avoiding the facts/details of an event to deny knowledge of them in the future.

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