Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Plastic Joy

Plastic Joy

By Brian Looney

The razored deck

Shuffles at dawn,

Deals death to sun.

Bulbous wan face floats enraptured

In the stinking shadows.

Odious swiping sounds

Infest America’s airways.

Lungs riot in glistening streets.

Eminently practical minds hide

Behind fluorescent eye-bulbs.

Corporate lurkers stalk the playgrounds.

Youth decayed.

Tainted maturity.

Smiling gentleman

And his plastic bouquet

Peruse sale street.

Smiling gentleman

And his plastic bouquet

Peruse smiling spouses.

Smiling gentleman

And the plastic bouquet

And new smiling spouse

Are together at last.

The plastic bouquet of happiness

Smiling gentleman

And their smiling spouse

Are very, very happy.




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